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Illumination Award Categories

Illumination Award for Control Innovation, sponsored by Lighting Controls Academy, a NEMA Coalition (LCA)

Advanced lighting control solutions can provide significant energy savings, flexibility and other benefits in buildings. This prestigious award recognizes good lighting projects that exemplify the effective use of lighting controls in nonresidential applications. 

*The LCA will have permission to publish the award recipient and any other entrants on its website as education content, including photography, giving all appropriate credits, including IES Illumination Awards Program and the manufacturer(s).

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Illumination Award for Interior Lighting Design, sponsored by Edwin F. Guth

In 1902 Edwin F. Guth founded the St. Louis Brass Company and later renamed it the Edwin F. Guth Company. Mr. Guth's profound creativity, entrepreneurialism and focus to improve interior lighting are partially represented through 147 patents awarded to him prior to his passing in 1962. This award recognizes exceptional interior lighting projects that balance the functional illumination of space with the artistic application of light to enhance the occupant's experience. 

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Illumination Award for Outdoor Lighting Design

The Illumination Award for Outdoor Lighting Design recognizes excellence in lighting design and application in all aspects of exterior lighting. The program celebrates achievements in aesthetics, applied technical acumen, creative solutions to demanding site conditions and advancements to the industry in outdoor lighting applications. The goal of the program is to further the understanding, knowledge and function of outdoor lighting as a critical aspect of the built environment.

Click here for score sheet 

 Illumination Award for Energy and Environmental Design 

The Energy and Environmental Design Award recognizes quality lighting installations in commercial and industrial buildings that incorporate advanced energy-saving strategies and environmentally responsible solutions into the overall design.

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 Illumination Award for Experiential Lighting Design, sponsored by ETC, Inc.​​​​​​

The Experiential Design Award recognizes those projects that use the design of lighting as art or for effect.  This category recognizes themed or immersive environments, whether temporary, permanent, or seasonal.

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Award Levels

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